Thursday, August 21, 2008

An Oldie But a Goodie... Shiseido Oil Blotting Sheets

For anyone who has an oily T-zone and lives in a humid climate, you probably dread "the glow" as much as I do. You know what "the glow" is, it's the oily patch that starts on your forehead and just takes over your face by end of day. (Oh yes, it's that lovely.) Well, for those who have not tried the Shiseido oil blotting sheets, you must try them. They may be your new best friend.

I've tried several different brands of these types of blotters, including drug store brands, and I still always come back to Shiseido. These tiny tissue sheets really can take a punch. Each sheet is lightly powdered and absorbs oil like nobody's business. They're scent free, so work well for sensitive skin. They come in cute little sturdy packets so that they can be thrown into the purse and won't be attacked by your other valuables. These sheets won't ruin your make up or leave a powdery layer. They just leave your face nicely matted and oil free.

A definite must have for anyone who "glows"!! Each pack comes with approx. 150 sheets and you only need one to do the job.